Saturday, March 26, 2016


PVT Sensor - Pit Volume Sensor
Sensor that measures whethere there is an influg or loss from the mud system.
There are 2 sensors that must be there all times to notify the Driller about well condition:
  1. PVT
  2. Flow Line Flap valve - on the flow line from BOP that tells how much flui is flowing out of the well
ESP - Electrical Submersible Pump
Pump hanging on the tubing down hole that pumps the oil from reservior through the turing up to the surface.
TWCV - Two Way Check Valve
BPV - Back Pressure Valve
These are 2 types of the valves in the tubing hanger. TWCV - Check valve though which you still can pump in. Whereas BPV doesnt allow any operation, it holds pressure down to make the operations on top safer.

There always must be 2 barriers between the formation fluid and surface in production wells . And these barriers must be independent from each other.
Inside the tubing:
  • Plug
  • TWCV / BPV
In Annulus:
  • Packer
  • Tubing Hanger

1 comment:

  1. Hi Thanks for sharing your information with us nice blog about bpv thread
