Saturday, July 16, 2016

Eid al Fitr Message

Dear Colleagues,

I depart later today for a holiday break and hope you are all set to celebrate a wonderful Eid with family and friends.

The holy month of Ramadhan is coming to an end and fasting, dedication to prayers and spiritual learning have purified one’s minds, bodies and souls.

The country family culture means that Eid can be a very busy time, travelling from place to place and visiting families and many friends, all in a very short timeframe.  The excitement during social gatherings and extended travel can lead to tiredness being masked as adrenaline that keeps our minds and body alert. This means that when driving to visit family and friends, fatigue can easily catch us out and we may not know this until unfortunately it is too late!

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Infographics - How to develop Incentive


PVT Sensor - Pit Volume Sensor
Sensor that measures whethere there is an influg or loss from the mud system.
There are 2 sensors that must be there all times to notify the Driller about well condition:
  1. PVT
  2. Flow Line Flap valve - on the flow line from BOP that tells how much flui is flowing out of the well
ESP - Electrical Submersible Pump
Pump hanging on the tubing down hole that pumps the oil from reservior through the turing up to the surface.
TWCV - Two Way Check Valve
BPV - Back Pressure Valve
These are 2 types of the valves in the tubing hanger. TWCV - Check valve though which you still can pump in. Whereas BPV doesnt allow any operation, it holds pressure down to make the operations on top safer.

There always must be 2 barriers between the formation fluid and surface in production wells . And these barriers must be independent from each other.
Inside the tubing:
  • Plug
  • TWCV / BPV
In Annulus:
  • Packer
  • Tubing Hanger